Friday, February 22, 2013

woohooo i'm done!

After much struggling and sleepless nights, (we - lecturers are like zombies now), I'm done marking all scripts. However, I'm considered as halfway done since marks will be keyed in tomorrow and will be finalized next week. How time flies, huh? We all work like there's no tomorrow for the sake of our 'children'.

During the marking period, everyone will be missing hahahah. Each and every lecturer has different preferable ways to get things done. Me? I'm nestling at home trying to avoid the outside world (rasa macam nak mengeramkan telur pun ada sebab tak boleh tinggalkan sarang ha ha!).

But life must go on so I was running here and there, dividing tasks (my expertise) so that they will be done on time. I have started my postgraduate classes so welcome more and more sleepless nights!   -____-"

So far I'm happy with the marks. Don't worry, you will get what you deserve. I have to admit that I was offended by some students, but fret not because professionalism is my middle name LOL. I'm very professional when it comes to grading students. And if you know me well, effort means marks.

The more effort you put, the better grade you will get. InsyaAllah.

Those who are unhappy with the grade, well - it's not easy to satisfy everyone. But before you guys decide to vent on me or accusing me for being unfair or whatever, think deeply and try to mirror yourselves.

Don't ask what have I done for you, but rather ask what have you done for yourselves? Is your effort sufficient? Have you given your best? Have you tried your best? Were you really sincere attending my classes? Did you say bad things behind my back? Eh eh that's 'mengumpat' okay hahah.

But I know my students are true Muslims. They don't do bad things, they didn't say bad things. Husnudzon. :) :)

Allah is the Most Just. Honestly, I always have faith in Him. I know I'm just human and I can't escape imperfection - but having faith in Him make me feel so calm. I always pray to Him to give what's best for me, and for my students.

I hope you guys are enjoying yourselves to the max this holiday. Experience it while it lasts. Once you reach my age - holiday is no longer familiar.

Hihi I'm old. But young at heart.

Sleep tight all. I still need to revise few chapters for my next class. :) :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

plagiarism aka plagiat aka copy paste.

Just so you know, I don't tolerate plagiarism.
Those whom I noticed plagiarised for the assignment, you only get not more than three marks.
Those marks are given solely because I pity you.

Tak kisahlah panjang berjela, bermuka surat banyak pun awak tulis, menipu tetap menipu.

Allah Maha Melihat.
dan saya berasa teramat sedih dengan sikap kalian.

Biar bodoh, tapi jangan jadi penipu.
Bodoh masih boleh masuk syurga.
Menipu itu berdosa.


Lu fikirlah sendiri.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

happy holidayssss!

Final exam is finally over. 
So do enjoy you break!

While i'm cracking my head marking your papers.

Just wanna share:

Masalah Lupa : Kenapa, Punca dan Cara Untuk Mengatasinya


Friday, February 8, 2013

Good luck, all!

I pray for all that may success be yours.


Click here for good du'as.