Saturday, August 18, 2012

Salam Lebaran, all.


ecewahhh mentang-mentang nak buat ucapan raya, maka entri pun dimulakan dengan salam baru nampak Islamik sikit ahaaakkkssss haha.

straight to the point, i'd like to wish all of you readers (if any, ehemmm2) selamat hari raya aidilfitri! 

as a human being, flaws are inevitable. i humbly apologize to all of you, if i've offended or hurt your feelings, ego and pride. most of the time, it was not my intention at all. like i said, i'm just a human being and can never be perfect.

i hope that this raya will be better than before, and that your duit raya sangat banyak so that can treat me as well bahahahahhaaa.

drive safely, enjoy yourself to the max - but be careful. and don't forget the spelling tests after raya *what a spoiler, huh? hahahaha*

ohhh yeahhh. it doesn't feel right if i don't invite you to come. so please do. but do let me know for arrangement, okay?

happy happyy happppyyy uolsssss!


  1. miss..selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin... maaf atas kekhilafan yang saya pernah buat dekat miss..

    1. I pun samala k. Kot ada terasa bila i membahan-bahan ke i reject esei u ke hahaha.

      Tetiba teringat the last day u all lepak in my room yang ada bakri and we all laughed so much. Haih miss everyone terribly la kan.
